If there's one record that I can't seem to stop listening to, I would have to say it's New Life Worship's My Savior Lives.
When I am in worship leader mode, I try to find new and fresh music that the church would respond to. Most worship CDs I would hard pressed to find 1-2 doable songs we could utilize during a worship service. In this case, I would venture to say that most of the songs I would consider using.
Some of my favorites tunes of this record include:
- My Savior Lives
- Endlessly
- Here in Your Presence
- Your Name
- Promises
- Live to Worship
- This is Our God
We also have been jamming to "This Is Our God" and are introducing this song into our regular worship this weekend. Tomorrow night I am using it during a Harp & Bowl worship set so we'll see how it does. I knew this song was a winner when my 5 year-old boys asked me if I would sing it back to them so they could learn the chorus.
"Here In Your Presence" is a beautiful song if you can stick with it. I made my wife listen to the song today and it didn't resonate too well with her because it took too long to build. I tried to reason with her saying that it was structured much like "The Stand" but she has some merit in thinking that. The bridge on "Here In Your Presence" is quite awesome though as they repeat over and over...
"Wonderful. Beautiful. Glorious. Matchless in every way..."
"Your Name" is a song that explodes near the end. There's a part in there where they cry out over and over, "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!" Even my two year-old picked up on it right away and started yelling it with them.
"Live to Worship" almost sounds like Chris Tomlin wrote it. It just seems to fit his style...similar to "Made to Worship" or "Holy Is the Lord."
And how can you not love "Endlessly?" One of my worshippers on our team said that it's one of our church's anthems.
So go out and buy this CD...you won't be disappointed.